• 208 views | 5 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Window scripting errorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Innocent Nkurikiyimfura 5/26/2021

    How can I solve this kind of error while running LEAP
  • Liya Cai 5/27/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Dr. Nkurikiyimfura,

    You could check whether there is a procedure named as Wscript.exe or Cscript.exe in command line. The above error occurs if the procedure Windows Scripting Host misses.

  • Inna Kim 6/2/2021
      Best Response

    what command line are you referring to? I have the same problem
  • Inna Kim 6/28/2021
      Best Response


    Did you get your problem resolved? Having the same issue
  • Charlie Heaps 6/29/2021
      Best Response

    Please see this thread: