• 279 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Historical Production errorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Amanda Ngwenya 6/3/2021


    Good morning

    I have been a getting a diagnostic warning that I have set "use historical production" but there "no data in my historical production" which not correct - I have historical generation data entered in leap until my first scenario year however when calculation occurs, LEAP reads that I don't have historical data (so I tried both tip 1 and 2 of using a year before my base year or a year after my end year) then the error becomes "Output in timeslice 0 is non-zero but no capacity is available" yet I do have exogenous capacities set too. Thus I am not sure what is causing this warning and I am afraid ignoring is not recommended because it is affecting my results.

    Your kind assistance will be appreciated.


  • Muhammad Shahid 6/26/2021
      Best Response

    Just follow the guidelines of LEAP Scenario formation. Historical data is added from the literature and sometimes this appears, so ignore that.
    Hope the answer of the question