Good day support team
I have a question with respect to the power generation showing in my result. Result view> Transformation>Power generation.
My exogenous capacity for 2010 base year is entered as 985 for thermal and 1180 for hydro power. However, in the results Power Generation view, LEAP is translating this into 54,1 thousand MW (16.8 thermal, 37 hydro and 0,3 coming from solar).
My assumption is that the algorithm here takes the product of sum exogenous capacity and stipulated % of peak (from my system load -% peak yearly shape) to determine what to generate in each time slice?
If this is the case, my time slices are split into 24 hours a day for wet and dry season.
I have the same peak shape for each season. However, what seems is to be happening is that the model adds the wet season generation and dry season generation to decide yearly generation which then becomes a double accounting exercise because its taking each season as occurring through out the whole year (2 seasons x 24hours x 365days, meaning two sets of 8760 hours) yet in actual fact they occur for certain periods within the year (a few months not the whole year).
How do I solve this issue? such that the model generates power required annually correctly - would it be correct to the leave one season as zero's? Please advise