• 253 views | 6 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Can carbon price be included in the scene design?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Meng Qiu 6/24/2021

    In the scenario design, it is planned to take carbon emission price or greenhouse gas emission cost as a scenario, and the existing LEAP model can realize this idea? Thanks for your help!
  • Utsavshree Rajbhandari 6/27/2021
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    Dear Meng,
    If you are referring to the impact cost of each emission, you can enter is by first activating Effect module in Settings. In doi

    After doing so ,Effect module will appear as shown where you can put cost for each emission (but not for GHG as a whole). Thus costs are accounted in during calculations and in results.
  • Liya Cai 6/28/2021
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    Hi Qiu,

    You could increase the O&M cost of technology in the transformation module. Because I'm not sure of your model structure, I belive the added cost of technology can reflec the cost of carbon abatement. Hope this helps.

  • Meng Qiu 6/28/2021
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    Thank you very much for your reply. My idea is to levy a carbon tax on the carbon emissions of energy-using departments, for example, to levy a carbon tax of US$ 20 for every ton of carbon dioxide emitted. Study on the impact of this scenario on the energy consumption and carbon emissions of the living, industrial, agricultural, commercial and transportation sectors. Just like the improvement of energy efficiency and the use of new energy, the energy consumption and carbon emissions of these sectors have also changed accordingly.
  • Liya Cai 6/30/2021
      Best Response

    Dear Utsav,

    Thank you so much for providing this solution of showing Effect module. The reply is I'm searching for a long time. It's really appreciated.

  • Liya Cai 6/30/2021
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    Dear Meng,

    You are most welcome. As far as I know, carbon tax is mainly levied for industry and that definitely affects industrial cost. Because Demand module is mainly for end-use devices, and activity level. You could add the Environmental loading for each energy and use the Effect module to calculate the total cost. Hope we keep discussing while you are doing the simulation. It's a sensible work.
