• 144 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Error Appears when trying to run script in script editor in LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ahmed Alaadin 6/30/2021

    Dear LEAP support

    The following error appears when I try to run any script even the scripts built in LEAP.

    Thank you for your time and effort.

    Error running scripts.PNG
  • Andrés Robles 7/12/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Ahmed,

    This happened to me before, you have to change the settings under your area, by default the scripts must be signed by SEI.

    Go to Settings // scripts // Run Unsigned scripts & require approval before running.

    For more information you can check this post: https://leap.sei.org/default.asp?action=thread&tid=5900&fid=22
  • Ahmed Alaadin 7/14/2021
      Best Response

    Thank you so much Andr�s Robles.