Dear all,
I was wondering whether it is possible to set the following NEMO parameters within LEAP:
- Ramp rate
- Ramping reset
- Total technology annual activity (lower/) upper limit
I think these parameters would be very helpful to get more realistic results when optimizing the future power system of a given country on a hourly basis. Without a ramp rate it might for example happen that the power output of coal power plants is reduced by 50% or more within one hour when Solar PV peaks at lunchtime, which from a technical point of view does not make sense. The "total technology annual activity upper limit" would be a good addition to the "maximum availability" which is for dispatchable technologies not ideal. Coal, biomass or natural gas power plants might have an average annual capacity factor of 40-80% but vary significantly within the different time slices. Therefore it would be good to set an upper limit for the sum of technology use (0-100%) over all time slices.
I would highly appreciate an answer!
Best regards and thanks,