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    Topic: Unmet Requirements in OptimizationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Sheikh Bah 7/28/2021

    I am writing this to hopefully bring attention to the question posted by Inna Kim earlier.

    When using NEMO optimization, the system leaves a lot of unmet requirements despite setting the maximum capacity of generation processes Unlimited and even setting incredibly high Cost of Unmet Requirements. So the question is how do we set up the optimization to fulfill all demand?
  • Valentine Wambui 8/2/2021
      Best Response


    Check if you have enough resources reserves to meet the generation needs, if not have you allowed for import of resources.

    hope this helps,
  • Sheikh Bah 8/2/2021
      Best Response

    hey, yes and yes.

    Even though I am dealing mostly with renewables, i have tried setting both RequirementRemainUnmet and MeetWithImports in the Unmet Requirements variable in the resources. Both simulations yielded strange results. Unfortunately I don't have time to figure this out so I have decided to continue without Optimization. Thank you for the response though.
  • Inna Kim 8/2/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Sheikh,

    Actually, I found that not all unmet requirements remained unmet in my case. I model several regions with transmission capabilities between them. So, what I see now is that some of the requirements which are showed as unmet are actually covered by import from other regions within transmission capability limits. To see the net unmet requirements for particular region we would need to substract imports from unmet requirements.
  • Liya Cai 8/3/2021
      Best Response

    Dear Valentine,

    Concerning the resources reserves, does it mean we should set reserves in resources module? Additionally, what is the Unmet Requirement tab used for in the resources module? Does it make sense that production can not meet the demand? Thank you.
