• 136 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Two or more process optimizations in the transformation under the same scenarioSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Joko Santosa 8/1/2021

    I have a question. Can we apply two or more optimizations to processes in LEAP, let say refinery and power sectors, under the same scenario? I tried this but only one optimization was successful, the other one gave a wrong result. The process that gives an optimal solution was always the process that was positioned below the other in the transformation. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help me on this matter.

    Best regards,
  • Charlie Heaps 8/1/2021
      Best Response

    Currently, LEAP supports optimization in only one Transformation module.
    See this page for more information: https://leap.sei.org/help/leap.htm#t=Optimization%2FSetting_Up_Optimization_in_LEAP.htm