• 124 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Disease rates data for IBC calculationsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Valentine Wambui 8/2/2021


    Please clarify ,does the disease rates data refer to total number of mortalities by that disease?

    for anyone who may need was able to get this data from Global burden of disease- prevalence data. here http://ghdx.healthdata.org/gbd-results-tool

    Is there any material on how this is calculated and how this considers the baseline mortality?
  • Liya Cai 8/9/2021
      Best Response

    Dear Valentine,

    In my opinion, the Measure category could determine searching results. For example, if Death and DALYs are checked down the Measure, results can show the corresponding data.

  • Valentine Wambui 8/16/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks Liya

    Just wondering though, the input for disease rates from the drop down would be the prevalence of the disease, right?
