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    Topic: LEAP IBC Application in VietnamSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Huong Thao Pham 8/13/2021

    Good morning LEAP community,

    I am applying LEAP IBC for Vietnam and in particular, focusing on a megacity. I have a few questions:

    1) For the transport sector, I input using VKT for each vehicle type (private car, bus) for the Current Account. In this case, in my future Mitigation Scenario, I want to promote more public transport (i.e., % of private cars to buses, to the subway) and walk. How to input this into LEAP?

    2) IBC module is applicable on a national scale. If we assume the city on a national scale and apply LEAP-IBC on that, what are possible uncertainties. We would like to roughly estimate the benefit of the air benefit?

    Thank you very much.
  • Charlie Heaps 10/11/2021
      Best Response

    Hello - I'm afraid that IBC can only currently be applied at a national scale.

    On your question about VKT measures, I would suggest setting up a structure that starts with passenger-kms of different modes (as activity data). You can convert pass-km into VKT by applying a load factor value at lower level demand branches. Have a look at Exercise 2 of the LEAP training exercises and the sample Freedonia data set, which is an example of an area using passenger-km data.