• 133 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: How can I add the Costs related to the Hydrogen Infrastructure needed for Cars?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rishab Rane 8/14/2021

    1 Like

    Hello Everyone,

    I would like to add Hydrogen in the transport section.

    I have created the demand scenario where Hydrogen Vehicles will account for high percentage of sales.

    How could I Include the costs related to Hydrogen Generation and Infrastructure requirements.

    I think adding it in Demand cost wont make sense as I wold consider that cost of vehicles would be similar irrespective of fuel.

    Kindly give your valueable feedback.

  • Charlie Heaps 10/11/2021
      Best Response

    I think you'll need to create Transformation branches that deal with hydrogen production and distribution. These can create hydrogen from electrolysis (electricity) or other feedstocks (aka blue and green hydrogen) and also simulate the costs and losses in any hydrogen distribution system.