• 119 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: GHG emission factorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Honglin Wang 8/17/2021

    Is the database of GHG emission factor in LEAP system the latest one? or we need to update it by ourselves?
    Thanks for help!
  • Charlie Heaps 10/11/2021
      Best Response

    The basic Tier 1 emission factors in LEAP correspond pretty well to the IPCC Tier 1 methodology. However, the other emission factors in TED are now rather out-of-date, so you may need to add some of your own. You may also wish to draw upon a good set of emission factors we have provided here (in Excel format): https://leap.sei.org/default.asp?action=IBC#EFs.

    We are aiming to update the emission factor database in LEAP in the near future.