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    Topic: import target issuesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Wu Song 8/19/2021

    In my model:
    In Transformation/Electricity Generation, I set both "Import To Meet Shortfall" and import target. If outputs less than requirements,the results reveal that Energy Balance/Electricity/Unmet Requirements had values ,but Energy Balance/Electricity/imports did not have values.
    In Freedonia:
    I changed Freedonia values to make outputs less than requirements, I set both "Import To Meet Shortfall" and import target equally.on the contrary, the results reveal that Energy Balance/Electricity/ imports had values,but Energy Balance/Electricity/Unmet Requirements did not have values.
    So why there is a difference?
    Thanks for your kindly help.

    Mr CharlieHeaps:
    I’ve notice the Import Target variable is not working properly in LEAP. I’m fixing that bug now and will release a new version of LEAP this weekend to address that issue. It will be version 2020.1.43. Can you try getting that (maybe early next week) and then let me know if that solves the problem for you? Sorry for the inconvenience!