• 98 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Viewing Time Slice Results in LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • David Von Hippel 8/26/2021

    I have a LEAP dataset in which I am using a set of 192 time slices (4 seasons x 24 hours) for both an annual demand load curve and to indicate the timing of available supply of hydroelectric and solar power. I seem to recall that in earlier versions of LEAP I was able to see at least selected electricity sector results (such as output or unmet requirements) by time slice in each year, but I'm not finding those results available in the current version of LEAP (I'm using 2020.1.0.43). Am I missing something?

    Thanks in Advance for your help!

    --David von Hippel
  • Charlie Heaps 10/11/2021
      Best Response

    Should be possible David. Bear in mind that only some Results View reports are time-sliced (e.g. Transformation: Power Generation). Once you select one of those reports, you should be able to pick time slices as the dimension to show on the X axis.