• 111 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: LEAP for Tier 1 economiesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ahmad Akhlaq 9/8/2021

    Hi as per the website following is stated "We provide LEAP for free to academic organizations, NGOs and not-for-profit government agencies in Tier 1 economies, and to accredited students worldwide", however, I have asked for the license but haven't had a response since March. Is this policy exists if it does how is it availed as no representative replies if we mention this?
  • Charlie Heaps 10/11/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Ahmad,

    We try to reply to license requests in about one working week, so I'm guessing we did not receive any request from you. I don't see any record of an application from you in our system. Please bear in mind that joining the LEAP site is a separate process from requesting a LEAP license. I notice also that you represent a private company in Pakistan (Attock Energy Pvt. Ltd) I'm afraid that our free licenses are for Government, NGO and academic organizations in Tier 1 countries, but not for private companies. You would need to purchase a standard LEAP license.

