• 124 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
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  • Pravesh Raghoo 9/13/2021


    This is my problem: my first scenario year is 2021 and as you can see in the screenshot, for some reason, the power generation jumps to 432 GW in 2021 from 0.6 GW in 2020. This is just a baseline scenario.

    You can also contact me on pracesh@udel.edu for more clarification on this problem.


  • Charlie Heaps 10/11/2021
      Best Response

    Check the requirements on the module and the demands on the system. It may be that in the Current Accounts years you had specified historical production, whereas in later years LEAP is set to build capacity and dispatches processes to meet demands. In other words you may have initially constrained the model based on actual patterns of historical production, but the first chance it gets LEAP tries to meet (much higher) demands. Check also that your scaling factors and units are correct.

    Hope this helps,
