In LEAP, a considerable part of the electricity consumed by agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors and living sectors comes from coalfired power generation. now I have included the energy conversion sector in the model, so the total carbon dioxide emissions finally given by the system should include the carbon dioxide generated from this part of coalfired power generation. In the column of "Result", the carbon dioxide emitted by agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors and living sectors can be identified in the result. Now I don't know whether the carbon dioxide emissions from coalfired power generation have been counted after considering the energy conversion sector. If so, how can we confirm that the carbon dioxide emissions from coalfired power generation have also been counted? Thank you for your guidance!
In a typical LEAP report, you won't see emissions from el(ectricity demand under your demand branches. But those demands cause electricity to be generated under your Transformation branches and you should see the emissions from coal-fired generation under those branches. Use the Results View report named "100 Year GWP: Direct (At Point of Emissions)" to see these types of results.