• 127 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Fuel CostSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Muhammad Shahid 9/25/2021

    Why Fuel Costs are dominated in LEAP Calculations?
    This feature favours Hydro electric power and Renewable over conventional technologies, whereas the installation cost (Capital Costs) of these technologies is far higher than conventional technologies.
    I think this also mislead LEAP Optimization

    Please Reply
    Thanks and Regards
    Muhammad Shahid
  • Charlie Heaps 10/11/2021
      Best Response

    Whether or not fuel costs dominate or capital costs dominate in a particular LEAP model depends primarily on what fuel costs and capital costs you enter into your LEAP model. LEAP does basic accounting of costs, so if you are getting strange or unexpected results, you should always start by checking your inputs including the units and scaling factors you have used. Remember that LEAP itself is a modeling framework, not a model of a particular system. It is up to you (the user) to create a realistic model of a particular energy system.

    Hope this helps!
