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    Topic: End of life tires, propertiesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Estela Riveros 9/30/2021

    Hello, for the production of cement in my country Petroleum coke and End of Life tires are used.

    For End of Life Tires, what fuel do I select to model it correctly?

    Thanks for the help

  • Charlie Heaps 10/11/2021
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi Estela,

    I would suggest adding a new fuel called "tires" in the General: Fuels screen. You will need to supply information for the tires such as the energy content (GJ/Tonne). You will also probably need to find emission factors associated with the use of tires.

    Here's some basic info as a starting point: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tire-derived_fuel

    Hope this helps!

  • Estela Riveros 10/14/2021
      Best Response

    Thank you so much