• 179 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Demand ModelSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Olivia Nanfuka 10/1/2021

    Hello, Please help. I am modelling the demand side of a state in Asia computing only the electricity demand. The energy systems has been divided into 4 sectors. However, for the households, I divided the sector into two urban and rural households and also to reflect the non electrified households in rural communities. However, when I compute the total demand, I am not getting a result for the household sector Please help.
    leapmodel 2.PNG
  • Liya Cai 10/29/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Liv,

    Could you please upload the Printscreen. Did you input the data in Baseline Scenario? It seems that you only input the data in Current Account or some data missing when you input. It is recommended to operate according to the LEAP training material from LEAP website.

  • Olivia Nanfuka 12/16/2021
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Thank you. I had poorly selected the units. Hence my household demand was much lower than the rest of the sectors.
  • Charlie Heaps 2/7/2022
      Best Response

    Good catch Olivia!