• 196 views | 5 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Results view problemSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Joko Santosa 10/15/2021

    I think there is a problem with the results view/graph in the latest LEAP versions. It could not present all year result of activity level, demand or transformation, especially in the early years starting from base year if the result values are zeros. It was like chopped.

  • Charlie Heaps 10/17/2021
      Best Response

    Sorry for the problems Joko - which exact version of LEAP are you using?
  • Joko Santosa 10/17/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks for the response Charlie. I am using LEAP ver. 2020.1.0.48 (64 bit).
  • Charlie Heaps 10/17/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks I’ll take a look shortly.
  • Charlie Heaps 10/25/2021
      Best Response

    Hi again Joko - I'm looking at this now but so far cannot reproduce it. Can you send me a screenshot showing the problem,? If possible, please also send your data set (as a .leap file) with instructions on how to reproduce the issue.
