• 120 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Total Overall Capacity Limit in LEAP optimization toolSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Marc Ayoub 10/19/2021


    As I am currently using the optimization tool in LEAP, I have the following two questions related to the maximum capacity added per year:

    1) is there a way we can put a cap on the total overall new power capacity installed per year (technology agnostic)?

    2) Is there a way we can put a constraint on the overall gas availability that is used as a fuel for the power plant?

    Thank you in advance.
  • Muhammad Shahid 10/28/2021
      Best Response

    Assalam O Alikum
    Ayoub usually LEAP optimization capacity follows the demand targets and installs capacity accordingly. However you can put some constraints by using Minimum and Maximum capacity addition tabs.
    Availability of gas may be reduced from production of resources or reducing imports.

    Hope the answer of the question