• 72 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Energy Load Shape (% of annual load)Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Daniela Keesler 10/19/2021

    Dear Charlie,
    I have been having some problems when I want import a load shape from an Excel spreadsheet: the first line is skipped, so in the first line that would correspond to "January valley" it says "January rest" but in the column of values it puts the correct value of January valley, then everything is shifted and in the last line the legend leave it blank when the value corresponds to "December superpeak". So when I want to do a run to see the results, it shows me an error because the annual hours do not add up to 8760.
    I was using this spreadsheet before to import to LEAP and I had not any problem, Could the problem have arisen from the last LEAP update?
    I attach part of the spreadsheet with the load shape, and also the screen printing of LEAP.
    Thank you!

    Attachments:  curva de carga demanda ELEC.xlsx [2] ,  Load shape screen printing.pdf [4]