• 205 views | 7 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Error in the process of importing data to LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Nicolas Diaz Almassio 10/20/2021

    I have been having some problems when I want import a load shape from an Excel spreadsheet: the first line is skipped, so in the first line that would correspond to "January valley" it says "January rest" but in the column of values it puts the correct value of January valley, then everything is shifted and in the last line the legend leave it blank when the value corresponds to "December superpeak". So when I want to do a run to see the results, it shows me an error because the annual hours do not add up to 8760.

    Today I updated LEAP but the problem still remains. I'll leave my LEAP and system information:

  • Muhammad Shahid 10/28/2021
      Best Response

    Assalam O Alikum
    Diaz first of all your hours should be 8760 hours for one year. Hope problem will be resolved if not then delete and paste the particular branch.
  • Nicolas Diaz Almassio 10/29/2021
      Best Response

    They are 8760, but when I import data the "january valley" hours dissapear. What do you mean with branch?
  • Charlie Heaps 10/29/2021
      Best Response

    FYI..I will try and look into this for the next release.
  • Charlie Heaps 10/29/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Nicolas.

    I cannot reproduce this so far. Please could you do the following?

    1. Tell me which exact version of LEAP you are using (e.g. 64-bit 2020.1.49)
    2. Send me your data set (as a .leap file) . Please send to leap@sei.org. It will be kept confidential, used only for debugging and deleted after we have finished the debugging.
    3. Tell me how you have defined your 4 hourly slices in the General: Time Slices Settings screen: For example...
    4. Tell me what international numeric settings you use on your PC (eg decimal = "." thousands separator = "," list separator = ","). I am wondering if that might be an issue.

    You can email all of the above to leap@sei.org if you prefer, or reply here.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Daniela Keesler 2/22/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie,
    I work in the same group as Nicolas, and we still have the problem importing the load curve. We wanted to see if you had had the opportunity to look at what Nicolas sent you and come to some conclusion as to what the problem is or what we are doing wrong.
    thank you very much!
  • Charlie Heaps 7/7/2022
      Best Response

    Sorry for the very slow response. I've just posted a new version (2020.1.66). Could you give it a try and see if it addresses your problems?