• 104 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: the error in IBCSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Xingyu Mai 10/21/2021

    When I run the IBC module,there is a error
    what shoul I do with it? please help me thanks a lot !
  • Ralph Uy 7/29/2023
      Best Response

    hi, i have similar problem. do you have any solution on this? thanks :)

  • Charlie Heaps 7/29/2023
      Best Response

    Running LEAP with IBC requires a certain LEAP tree branch structure to have been created. That tree structure is used to hold the data required by IBC when it runs. You can create that tree structure manually, or once you have enabled IBC analysis in the settings screen, you can select the option "Check for IBC Compliance" from the Advanced menu. Selecting that option will run a script that checks for the branch structure required by IBC and adds branches to your LEAP data set if they are missing. Note that you will still need to add data into those tree branches after this step.

    Important! Bear in mind also that IBC can only be used in certain circumstances, and in particular it requires that you have created a national-scale model with a comprehensive accounting for all of the pollutants required as input to IBC. If you are interested in using IBC, I recommend starting by reading this page.