• 60 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Database is locked error when I try to run an optimisation scenarioSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Olivia Nanfuka 10/29/2021

    Hello, I was optimising my electricity generation module with NEMO and GLPK . The model run took forever close to an hour yet I don't have any other complex data. I stopped the simulation by closing LEAP. On opening the model again to choose another solver such as CBC , I receive an error. I am unable to make an optimisation run.
    Thank you.

  • Charlie Heaps 10/29/2021
      Best Response

    Hi there - you don't mention what version of LEAP you are using (please do next time!) There has been a fix for this issue since 2020.1.32. See this:

    • Improved control over calculating NEMO scenarios on fast PCs with large number of processors. The underlying database used by NEMO could sometimes become locked causing calculations to fail on fast PCs. To address this, a new option has been added on the Settings: Optimization screen to let you manually set the number of processors used by NEMO. The default is to let NEMO control this choice, which leads to half of the PC's processors being used. You can choose to increase the number of processors (which may reduce calculation time on very large models) or decrease the number if experiencing locking problems.