• 113 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Effects problem for natural gas under electricity transformation processesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Robert Brecha 11/1/2021

    I have often added "effects" to a fuel in the electricity transformation branches. Now I am mystified as to why, for an oil generation technology, I can add the effects, but in the same branch, trying to add the effects for NG simple cycle or NG combined cycle do not work. I click, choose the source - and nothing happens. Thanks for any help.

    Screen shot for effects.png
  • Liya Cai 11/9/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Robert,

    Concerning the Feedstock Fuels of SC NG Plant, it should be choosen CNG instead of Natural Gas. When you choose CNG and right click Add Multiple Effects, you could see the IPCC Tier 1 Default Emission Factors is marked. Hope this helps.


  • Robert Brecha 12/13/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks for your reply, Liya. I'm not sure that works, since the power plant is not using CNG. The technology is a combined-cycle NG plant. I worked around by using a simple-cycle NG plant; at least the CO2 emissions should be okay since it will depend only on the fuel and plant efficiency.