• 196 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Scenario AnalysisSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Lundy Song 11/19/2021

    Greetings, LEAP Team!

    If there is a forecast of a decline in both energy demand and energy intensity in a scenario, I'm curious how we should incorporate it in LEAP. Let's imagine the projection is for a 10% reduction in energy consumption and a 15% reduction in final energy intensity by 2030.

    I really anticipate hearing back shortly, and thanks in advance for the assistance.

  • Charlie Heaps 11/19/2021
      Best Response

    Intensity assumptions would be an input to a LEAP model. The demand would be an input: the result of combining your intensity and activity level assumptions.
  • Lundy Song 12/1/2021
      Best Response

    Charles, thank you so much.

    I recently ran upon another issue. Could you please explain what the attached message means to me?

  • Charlie Heaps 2/7/2022
      Best Response

    Hi there - I have occasionally seen this message. It is usually due to a temporary lock having been put on the file by Windows. This can sometimes happen if the file is open in another program or perhaps in a 2nd instance of LEAP. It will typically be solved by closing down all instances of LEAP and then retrying, but it can also usually be safely ignored.