• 64 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: How to add Kilotons of oil equivalent in LEAP?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Mohammed Rangwala 11/23/2021


    I have my data in Kilotones of Oil equivalent and I am unable to add them to my LEAP model as the unit is not available. How do I add the unit?
  • Charlie Heaps 12/12/2021
      Best Response

    You can add your own units in the General:Units screen, but you should not need to add this one. Kilotonnes of Oil Equivalent is the same as Thousand Tonnes of Oil Equivalant (KTOE), so just choose TOE/Tonnes of Oil Equivalent as your unit (either for entering energy data or for viewing energy-denominated reports), then set the scaling factor to THOUSANDS.