• 79 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Error Message, Excel sheet not found after updating to the latest LEAP softwareSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Oluwatobi Asekunowo 11/26/2021

    Error message on LEAP after update, please see attached image. After updating to LEAP 2020.1.0.54. Could please investigate and keep me posted on what to do.

    Kind regards

  • Charlie Heaps 12/12/2021
      Best Response

    Thanks for letting me know. I will investigate and try to fix ASAP. I suspect that LEAP is looking in the wrong folder for the files.
  • Charlie Heaps 12/13/2021
      Best Response

    This should be fixed now. Please get LEAP version 2020.1.55 here: https://leap.sei.org/download.