• 168 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Low value for PEAK demandSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Olivia Nanfuka 11/29/2021

    How do I increase the peak load requirement for my model? I uploaded a yearly load profile for my energy load shape however, the despite my peak demand being 1000MW , the reported peak load requirement is 750. The total energy generation for my year is too low for some of the reported power plants? I tried working with other parameters such as capacity credit requirement, capex and opex of the different technologies but unfortunately my total generation doesn't change yet the outputs of the different technologies changes. On checking, the peak load requirement, the values reported for my current account is lower than the value of the uploaded load shape, How do I go about this? This low generation is affecting my emissions output for the base year.
    Thank you.
  • Charlie Heaps 12/12/2021
      Best Response

    Bear in mind that the peak requirements for electricity in LEAP are calculated internally based on (1) the overall annual demand for electricity in any given year/scenario/region, (2) any T&D losses al and (3) the shape of the load curve. So if the peak you are seeing is lower than the actual peak in the system you are studying, then you should first check these three aspects of your model.

    One further issue to consider is that load shapes in LEAP are necessarily a simplification of the actual peak load. This is because you typically don't model every single hour of demand and supply, but instead aggregate those hours in a number of time slices. For example, instead of all 8760 hours you may aggregate these into (for example) 4 seasons x 24 hours. This aggregation will inevitably tend to average out some of the peak loads.

    To get around this, you can specify a value for the variable Peak Load Ratio. This variable expresses the ratio of the peak implied by the simplified time-sliced load shape versus the actual peak load on a system. More information on this variable here.

    Hope this helps,


    P.S. Costing variables like CAPEX and OPEX will not affect the peak system load.
  • Olivia Nanfuka 12/15/2021
      Best Response

    Thank you. Refining the time slices worked very well.