• 200 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Electricity importsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Elin Torstensson 12/1/2021

    I have a question regarding import of electricity in our model. For our base year, we have historical production which creates import of electricity to meet the demand. The result for this year corresponds well to the real data. But for our first simulation year, there are no longer any electricity imports, which is unlikely in our case since the country is depending on imports. How can we model this electricity import in our model?

    Also, if we want to have the same fuel share of the electricity production in our end year and base year. How can we model that?
  • Charlie Heaps 2/7/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Elin,

    The following assumes you are modeling generation using one of the simulation methods (as opposed to optimization)...

    Imports are typically calculated internally by LEAP and used to fill in any gap between demands and what was produced. If you are not seeing imports in your first simulation year, that probably indicates that LEAP was able to dispatch enough electricity so that imports were not required. Check to see if you get a sudden jump in production in the first simulation year (look at the Availability report for each process). If the availability values for one or more processes are infeasibly high, consider limiting the availability by specifying values using the Maximum Availability variable (available for each process).

    Hope this helps!
