• 227 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: TSC64.DLL is not registered and some other errorsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Liya Cai 12/29/2021

    I updated the LEAP software to the new version of 2020.1.0.55. But it shows the following erros about TSC64.DLL when I run LEAP. How to figure out this problem and what impacts does the error have.

    Additionally, I also got follwing Login failed erros message.

    Your assistance would be appreciated.

  • Charlie Heaps 2/7/2022
      Best Response


    This probably indicates an issue with having invalid permission to register TSC64.DLL. You may need to consult with your network administrator about that. You must have full admin rights to make changes to the Windows registry.

    NOT having TSC64.DLL will prevent LEAP from being able to run scripts. TSC64.DLL is only used by 64-bit versions of LEAP. It is a 3rd party 64-bit replacement for the Microsoft program MSScript.OCX, which supports running of scripts. MSScript.OCX is not supported in 64-bit versions of Windows. More here: https://tablacus.github.io/scriptcontrol_en.html.

    32-bit versions of LEAP do not make use of TSC64.DLL so you could use that version.
  • Liya Cai 2/28/2022
      Best Response

    Dear Charles,

    Thanks for the instruction. This problem has been figured out with the assistance of the IT operational staff member.

    Best regards,