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    Topic: Inclusion of Transformation Fuel Costs in Transformation Cost ResultsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • David Von Hippel 1/5/2022

    My Original Question:

    It seems like if one includes a fuel cost for a fuel for a process (e.g. for diesel) within the electricity module, those costs show up in “Module Cost Balance” and “Cost of Production” results for the module, but not in “Social Costs”. Is that intentional, and if so, what is the thinking there? I know those costs would be double-counted if they were included in resource costs, but in this case, they are not….

    Charlie's Response:

    That’s right, those module fuel costs are used in those two reports and also in the optimization calculations, but social cost accounting uses the fuel costs specified under the Resource branches. This reflects the idea that the two costs may differ (price of fuels paid by a power station may be diff from the social cost of the fuel). If you want to them to be the same I suggest entering the data in the Resource branches and then just point to those in the module branches.