• 106 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Energy Storage and its adjustmentsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Joao Ota 1/13/2022

    Dear all,

    Thanks for the LEAP team for the very nice tool for energy planning.
    I am working with undergrad students and we are having fun and being able to learn a lot on modelling, simulation, and optimazation thanks to LEAP.
    We are still far away from mastering the tool, and there is still a lot to learn from our side, for sure.

    We wish to know more about the Energy Storage modelling. There is the Time Slice Demo, which is a nice intro, but we have found no much info in LEAP Help.
    For example, "Minimum Charge" is still under construction. I also have followed some topics by Ms. Cai (such as https://leap.sei.org/default.asp?action=thread&tid=6092&fid=22).
    More specific questions follow:
    - is the Energy Storage affected by the solver used by LEAP and NEMO? We could only use the module with the GLPK solver.
    - which restrictions are applicable on Energy Storage module? E.g., in real systems we may consider a minimum SOC or charge, size or maximum output...

    Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance.
  • Charlie Heaps 2/7/2022
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi Joao,

    Thanks for the feedback. We will try to improve the documentation on energy storage in future releases. On your first question, storage is only supported when using LEAP with NEMO for optimization modeling. It is not supported in LEAP's simulation calculations nor when using LEAP with OSeMOSYS. You can model minimum storage levels using the "Minimum Charge" variable.

    FYI - we are currently working to develop the ability to use LEAP and NEMO for full energy system optimization calculation (i.e. all Transformation calculations). That should allow it to be used for modeling more complex systems such as hydrogen production, storage and consumption. Stay tuned for news on this later in the year.

