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    Topic: Inter-regional trade modeling issuesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hyungsik Choi 1/25/2022


    I am building a national electricity sector model consist of many sub-regions based on LEAP-NEMO optimization. (I chose "subnationl" scale in the setting)

    I expected that LEAP would simulate inter-regional trade of electricity flow among regions to meet national power demand.

    But, the results were different. First of all, in LEAP-NEMO, it allows only "RequirementsRemanUnment" in the electricity shortfall rule

    And I found two cases

    1) If I set the unmet requirement of electricity in the resource branch as "MeetWithImports", the unmet requirment is imported, but not from other regions. As stated in LEAP, It means extra import from the outside of Area. This is not What I want.

    1) If I set the unmet requirement of electricity in the resource branch as "MeetWithUpstreamModules", LEAP shows an error message as below

    Furthermore, I set the electricity surplus rule in the electricity generation branch as "SurplusAvailable", which means "make surplus available to earlier module".

    But other regions with electricity surplus exports their electricity outside of area and not to the shortfall regions.

    Please, give me an advice about how to correctly model electricity trade in subnational setting for inter-regional trade modelling.

    Best, hyungsik