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    Topic: Energy Storage OperationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Luigi Teola 1/31/2022

    1 Like

    Hi Everyone,

    I just have a few questions regarding how Energy Storage works in LEAP:

    1. I understand that Energy Storage is charged when there is excess supply in a given time-slice. Since Energy Storage cannot be assigned a Merit Order, How does LEAP determine when the energy stored will be dispatched to the system to meet demand?
    2. If Annual and Seasonal Carryover is disabled (by default), what happens to the unused energy stored when it is not dispatched in a given season or year?
    3. In optimization scenarios (needed to model energy storage), what is the criteria that LEAP considers when endogenously adding energy storage capacity to the system?
    4. How does Capacity Credit affect Energy Storage?

    Thank you for answering!

  • Charlie Heaps 2/7/2022
      Best Response


    Hi Luigi,

    Below are attempts to answer your questions.

    >>I understand that Energy Storage is charged when there is excess supply in a given time-slice. Since Energy Storage cannot be assigned a Merit Order, How does LEAP determine when the energy stored will be dispatched to the system to meet demand?

    Storage only works when using LEAP’s optimization calculations. In these calculations LEAP calculates the least cost capacity expansion and dispatch across all processes in a module, all time slices in a year and all years in a scenario, with the objective of minimizing the total cumulative discounted cost of the system. So in short, the program itself decides when to store energy, when to discharge energy (and for that matter when/whether to build any storage capacity).

    >>2. If Annual and Seasonal Carryover is disabled (by default), what happens to the unused energy stored when it is not dispatched in a given season or year?

    In this case I believe the battery can only store and discharge within the time slices of each day (which would be more or less reasonable assuming short term battery storage). I believe there is an internal constraint that the net charge has to be zero for each group of hours. Note of course that you likely will not be modeling individual days, but rather aggregate groups of hours (e.g. you may have 4 seasons x 24 hours).

    I think you can also set a constraint on the minimum charge level for a storage process. The zero net charge constraint means there won’t be any unused charge over scenario period.

    >>3. In optimization scenarios (needed to model energy storage), what is the criteria that LEAP considers when endogenously adding energy storage capacity to the system?

    See above – capacity additions are also subject to the overall optimization goal of minimizing costs subject to your own additional constraints. You can specify pre-existing exogenous capacity though.

    >>4. How does Capacity Credit affect Energy Storage?

    The capacity credit affects the degree to which each plant’s capacity (MW) count toward your planning reserve margin, using this formula:

    Planning Reserve Margin (%) = 100 * (Module Capacity - Peak Load) / Peak Load

    Where Module Capacity is the sum of (Capacity * Capacity Credit) across all processes.

    Note that storage processes provide capacity but because they have a round trip storage efficiency <=100% they normally provide no net annual energy generation (or even negative energy).

    Hope this helps,


  • Luigi Teola 2/7/2022
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Thank you very much Charlie for answering my questions. I appreciate you taking the time.

    Here are some follow-up thoughts/questions:

    1. I looked in both the documentation of LEAP and NEMO and I might just have missed it - Is there a specific equation/formula/flowchart the model uses for least-cost optimization (in both dispatch and capacity additions) in LEAP and NEMO? I would like to use it as reference to my research to explain how the dispatching and capacity additions work in LEAP.

    2. I have tried playing with the capacity credit in the Time Slice Demo and I get these results. I observed that at higher capacity credit values, there is more energy storage activity and subsequently more negative annual energy generation. Your thoughts on this?


    Many thanks!

  • Charlie Heaps 2/8/2022
      Best Response

    Hi again Luigi,

    My attempts at answers..

    >>Is there a specific equation/formula/flowchart the model uses for least-cost optimization (in both dispatch and capacity additions) in LEAP and NEMO?

    This is a great question, but I'm afraid the answer is "not really". The basic flow of the calculation is that you use LEAP to specify all the data describing the technical and economic parameters for each possible process (and the exogenous energy demands seen by the module). LEAP then writes this information to a data file in the format required by NEMO. NEMO then translates that information into an overall modeling problem in the form of variables, constraints and objective functions suitable for solution by a linear programming solver program. NEMO passes that information to a solver which then calculates a solution, which in turn is read back in to NEMO and then into LEAP. You can use LEAP to specify which solver to use (e.g. CBC, CPLEX, GUROBO etc.) Most solvers should give similar results (they vary primarily in terms of their speed and capacity) but there can sometimes be differences between them. So, as you can see, its not possible to specify a simple formula that governs the dispatch and capacity expansion calculations in LEAP and NEMO. Instead I recommend you point people to the documentation for NEMO here: https://sei-international.github.io/NemoMod.jl/stable/ and for LEAP here: https://leap.sei.org/help.

    >>I have tried playing with the capacity credit in the Time Slice Demo and ...I observed that at higher capacity credit values, there is more energy storage activity and subsequently more negative annual energy generation. Your thoughts on this?

    I'm not entirely sure about this, but I'm guessing that higher capacity credit values for renewables with storage will tend to make them relatively more attractive vs. fossil fuel systems because you will get more energy produced for a given level of capacity (hence capital costs lower per unit of generation).

    Hope this helps,
