• 154 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Error when viewing All Variables TabSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Luigi Teola 2/2/2022

    Good day LEAP Support,

    I am experiencing an error when I access the 'All Variables' Tab under Transformation/Electricity Generation/Processes. I cannot view all the variables pertaining to a specific electricity generation process.

    Here is the error message:

    Many thanks
  • Charlie Heaps 2/7/2022
      Best Response

    Thanks Luigi,

    Could you send me your data set as a .leap data file so i can test this out? Please send to leap@sei.org. Given file sizes its usually best to send as a link using Dropbox, Google Drive or similar. This is definitely a bug in LEAP, and I will try to get it fixed in an upcoming release.

    Sorry for any inconvenience,

  • Luigi Teola 2/7/2022
      Best Response

    Thank you Charlie!

    I just sent the LEAP data file to the email address you provided.

    No problem. Thank you for accommodating me to fix this error. Appreciate it a lot!
