• 88 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: range check error when setting up hourly time slicesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Matthew Davis 2/15/2022


    I am using LEAP 64 bit version 2020.1.56. When I try to setup a model with hourly time slices (8760 slices per year) I get a range check error and nothing happens to the time slices. This happens in existing models or if I try a new model from scratch. Any advice would be great. My PC details:
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19 GHz
    16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable) RAM

    My available hard drive space is low, could this be causing the issue?

  • Charlie Heaps 2/16/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Matt,

    A range error is a bug, not an out of memory error. That's on me to fix! If you could send me your data set (please send as a link to a .leap file using Dropbox or similar) I can take a look. Please send to leap@sei.org.

    However, in general I would strongly recommend NOT doing a model with all 8760 hours. It will be incredibly slow and memory intensive at best and may also use more memory than is available. One option is to do 24 hrs x 12 months x two week periods (weekdays/weekends) for your time slices.

