• 222 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: How to optimize multiple branches simultaneously?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • John Sanchez 2/23/2022

    1 Like

    Hi everyone

    I am trying to use OSEMOSYS and NEMO to optimize the exogenous capacity but every time that I select the option to optimize in multiple branches the solution just takes the branch in the lowest position of the transformation folder. I already swap some branches and it's always taking just the one at the lowest position that I set to optimize. I want to know if is it possible to optimize multiple branches simultaneously? and if possible, please tell me how to do it?
  • Liya Cai 2/28/2022
      Best Response

    Hi John,

    We you do the optimization, the most important thing is setting the Yearly Shape and select the Energy Load Shape. Meanwhile, select Yes in the tab of Optimize. Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

  • Jason Veysey 3/1/2022
      Best Response


    Hi, John -

    I believe you're asking how to optimize multiple transformation modules in LEAP at the same time (a module is a branch immediately below the Transformation branch). This isn't possible right now, but we're actively working on it. We're adding features to LEAP that will allow optimizing all energy supply with NEMO - including all transformation modules and energy trade and natural resource extraction in the Resources branch. We hope to release these enhancements later this year.


  • Diego García 11/22/2023
      Best Response

    Dear Jason,

    I am trying to do several optimizations at the same time (electricity production and heat production through a couple of folders with due technologies within) and I'm failing.
    I've tried to change the order of the folders "electricity production" and "heat production" but errors still appear (RangeCheck error).

    I've just noticed this post and I am wondering if you did advance something concerning NEMO's multiple optimizations.

    If yes, could you give me some clues on how to structure the optimization routines? (I'm not sure if there are problems if one tries to optimize an energy carrier different than electricity -like heat- as if it worked equivalently).
    If not, do you have in mind to develop something in that regard? Would it be possible to perform the optimizations in two steps (firstly, the electricity production folder and secondly, "to enforce" the resulting electricity mix, disallowing the optimization in electricity, and allowing the optimization for the heat production folder?)

    Thanks in advance for your help.
