• 180 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: How to start LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rifa Fathatunida 2/24/2022

    Hi all, I am Rifa from UNSIL please tell me about to start LEAP , because i will use LEAP to my skripsi. I still confuse to start about LEAP.
    How to operate software LEAP?
    How to planning energy in LEAP?
    Please help me
  • Charlie Heaps 2/24/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Rifa - those are very general questions - a bit more than we can cover on this platform! ;) I'd suggest you start by working through the training exercises and the user guide. Once you've done that, please follow-up here with more targeted queries.
  • Rifa Fathatunida 2/25/2022
      Best Response

    Thanks sir, i will try to understand software LEAP and if me find difficult please guide me
  • Charlie Heaps 2/25/2022
      Best Response

    Good luck Rifa!