• 256 views | 5 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Password required to access LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Fionn Rogan 2/24/2022

    Hi there,

    I'm having a LEAP software issue that is preventing me accessing the software. When I try to open LEAP I get multiple requests for a password like the following

    The ESC button is able to over-ride them, but after clicking through all passwords the LEAP software closes.

    Uninstalling and reinstalling LEAP haven't helped.

    Any suggestions to fix this are very welcome!

  • Charlie Heaps 2/24/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Fionn - what exact version are you using? As far as I know, this message occurs if you are trying to open a LEAP area that was created in a newer version of LEAP, but you are using an older version of LEAP (typically a version before 2020.1.27).
  • Fionn Rogan 2/25/2022
      Best Response

    Thanks for the quick reply Charlie. I am using the latest version (2020.1.56).

    This issue started when I opened a model from a colleague (who also has the latest software version) but doesn't have the password-dialogue-box-locking-out-users problem.

    Strangely, it appears none of the LEAP model files are in the LEAP Areas model folder for the offending model, just a .leap file. I'm going to try manually adding the files to see if that gets around the problem. I'll let you know if this works. Any other leads also welcome

  • Charlie Heaps 2/25/2022
      Best Response

    Did someone manually drop that .leap file into that folder? It shouldn't be like that. Suggest you move the .leap file to another temporary folder (delete it under LEAP Areas) then use the Area: Install from File menu option to install it into LEAP.
  • Fionn Rogan 2/28/2022
      Best Response

    Don't know how that leap file got there, but after deleting it and pasting in the correct file contents, LEAP finally opened. Happy days!

    Thanks Charlie