• 111 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: optimation of carbon neutrality passwaysSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Zigan Zhou 3/4/2022

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    Sorry to bother you.I am modelling a carbon neutrality passway by LEAP. I have faced two questions and posted on the LEAP discussion with no reply.

    First, why the CO2 of transformation branch gap so large between 2019 and 2020. I choose the OSeMOSYS(GLPK) to optimize the power plant progress and choose RequirementsRemainUnmet for the shortfall rule and SurplusAvailable for the surplus rule. I am not sure which part is wrong for my model setting.
    Secondly, I want to research the whole social cost of energy transition. According to the help of LEAP, if you want to use Optimation ,the dispatch rule should choose "Running cost".While the "Running cost" refers to the overall running costs (defined as variable cost + fuel cost) cost optimation,not the whole social cost. The whole social cost include capital costs for building new processes,salvage values (or decommissioning costs) for decommissioning processes ,fixed and variable operating and maintenance costs , fuel costs ,environmental externality values. So how to reflect the optimation of the whole social cost in the LEAP?
    The attachments are two results of the YZRD model.
    Best Regards!

    BAU CO2 Emission of Power plant.jpg