• 134 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Stock share sum error - Transport analysisSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Obiora Nnene 3/7/2022

    Dear Charlie,

    I hope this meets you well. After I assign a percentage of Stock share for the modes within each vehicle class of my transport analysis, I get the error "Stock shares (0.0%) does not sum to 100". I have double-checked all vehicle classes and they all sum to 100%. Kindly point to how I can fix this. See my screenshot attached.

    Best regards

  • Charlie Heaps 3/15/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Obiora,

    Please check the stock shares in the branches immediately below those branches shown. I'm afraid the integrated error reporting in LEAP is not as good as it should be in this situation. Its reporting the error one branch up from the actual error. I will get this fixed in the next release. Sorry for the confusion.
