• 195 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: How to display results?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Anthony Tang 3/13/2022

    Hi! I'm kinda new in LEAP and still exploring it.

    May I ask your help please on why there are no displayed results here?

    I have attached the screenshots for reference.

  • Charlie Heaps 3/15/2022
      Best Response

    1 Like

    If you are getting a completely blank screen, that generally means that no values were calculated. Please make sure you have entered data both for activity levels AND energy intensities.

    I'm working on improving how LEAP deals with situations where no data is reported, so hopefully this will be less confusing in future versions.


  • Anthony Tang 3/16/2022
      Best Response

    Hi, Charlie.

    Thank you. It works!


  • Charlie Heaps 3/21/2022
      Best Response

    FYI - This screen works better now in LEAP 2020.1.57.