• 100 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Capacity Addition on Base YearSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Anthony Tang 3/15/2022

    Hello. I keep having a capacity addition on my base year. My objective is to at least have it started on my First Scenario Year. I am using the Endogenous Capacity module. Thanks.
  • Utsavshree Rajbhandari 3/25/2022
      Best Response

    Dear Anthony,
    Your query is not clear enough, but to my best guess, the solution would be
    1. first check the First simulation year tab, it should be "FirstScenarioYear", you can set any other year
    2. secondly you can set the Exogenous capacity for that specific power plant to zero in base year, or till the year you require
    Hope this helps. If not, please be more specific. screenshot could be more helpful.