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    Topic: LEAP 2020.1.57 Now AvailableSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Charlie Heaps 3/17/2022


    A new version of LEAP, the Low Emissions Analysis Platform, is now available for download (2020.1.57).

    This version supports the next release of the NEMO optimizing framework (v 1.70, coming shortly). Highlights of NEMO 1.7 include faster calculations, support for multi-user installations, and better handling of renewable energy targets. When installed, NEMO is now the default optimizing framework in LEAP.

    This version of LEAP also fixes a longstanding issue preventing LEAP and WEAP from being linked together, improves the Results View behavior when attempting to show charts containing no values, includes experimental support for the ARM version of Windows, and a number of important bug fixes and refinements.

    As always, this version is backwards compatible with LEAP models developed in previous versions.

  • Salim CHITOU 4/18/2022
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Good news. Thanks
  • Abidin Abidin 4/22/2022
      Best Response

    good news