• 114 views | 5 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: EU27 application datasetSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Tomás Mac Uidhir 4/4/2022

    Hi SEI team,

    I have been working through many of the LEAP applications discussed in the About section - there is a broken link to an EU27 LEAP model that would be great to take a look at if possible?

    Screenshot below shows the error message I am receiving when trying to download.

    All the best,

    LEAP-error messge.JPG
  • Charlie Heaps 5/19/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Tomas - that model is now very out of date so I’m afraid no longer generally available.
  • Tomás Mac Uidhir 5/23/2022
      Best Response

    Ah thanks a mill for the update. Might have to recreate : )
  • Mary Psilou 4/25/2024
      Best Response

    Is this the same as the "European Union" example model, found under the Area -> Install -> Install from the Internet ?
    And, is there any updated model for Europe available?
    Many thanks in advance!
  • Charlie Heaps 8/16/2024
      Best Response

    I think it is - but I'm afraid that it has not been updated for a very long time now.