• 95 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: the difference between "Capacity Credit" and "Maximum availability" in the NEMOSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Zigan Zhou 4/6/2022

    I am analyzing the carbon neutrality pathway of energy system by LEAP model.
    "Capacity Factor" is a widely used index in the papers and reports . It is calculated as the ratio of actual electricity generation over a year to the maximum possible electricity generation over that year. When I use Capacity factor in the LEAP model, I found two parameters which are similar to the capacity factor. In the LEAP HELP, the "Capacity Credit" is defined as the fraction of the rated capacity considered firm for the purposes of calculating the module reserve margin. The maximum availability of a process is the ratio of the maximum energy produced to what would have been produced if the process ran at full capacity for a given period (expressed as a percentage).
    How should I use the capacity factors of different power technologies to set LEAP model?
    Best Regards!
    Zigan Zhou