• 71 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: How to reflect the nature resource constrain for the renewable power plantSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Zigan Zhou 4/6/2022

    I am using NEMO to analyze the pathway of Energy system in LEAP. I face a question for your answer.
    I have known that the wind resource of the research region is 173GW, while the LEAP result for the onshore wind capacity is 340.9 GW. That means the NEMO did not consider the constrain for the nature resource. How to reflect the limitation of wind resource in LEAP when using NEMO? I have try to use the constrain function on the branch of Resource/Yield but failed . I also know that the endogenous capacity cannot be used when you choose NEMO mode.
    Best Regards!
    Zigan Zhou

    Attachments:  Apr. 6th Question.xlsx [3]